
Thursday, January 9, 2014

It's Indy!

The reason I started Indy's Point: A Brand Vision. To be honest the idea just flew out of nowhere. I hang around and know a lot of talented to people who needed a voice. Since I already have a decent following and locally known on the party scene, I figured it couldn't hurt. When I finally processed the idea of having something to call my own, I liked the idea more and more. I already do event promotion, so music promotion, art, or just talking about the things I love and care about on Indy's Point didn't sound bad at all. "Our" music scene also doesn't have a platform either, so I also took it as a chance to make other people and their talents known as well as myself. Indy's Point however is about honesty, if your music is on my blog, I will give my honest opinion about it. I understand at some point it may create controversy, but the society we live in, controversy is the least I expect. I am a novice at blogging, but isn't everybody when they first start out at something? I've already gotten a tremendous amount of love from a lot of people and a pile of music in my email. So to me, it was needed. I'm no different from anybody else, I work 2 jobs, live in Jersey City, NJ and live a normal life. With this blog I feel it can make an impact and judging from my email it already has. There will be a website coming soon which will have interviews from artists, urban events and even have other bloggers featured on Indy's Point. Until then I'm on the blog updating you as much as I can on music and the things I care about. Also want to thank the artists submitting there music, and everybody who has helped me with Indy's Point. I appreciate all the love and support from everybody, this is just the start!

                                                                 - xoxo Indy

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